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Suéter apenado de color block
Suéter apenado de color block


$ 7.35 $10.50
  • 2020-12-26
    Stylish and good qualiry for the price.We decided not to wash just febreeze and sit in the sun. I don't think it'd do well in the machine even on gentile. But we've gotten our money's worth out of it.
  • 2021-10-13
    It's very cute and super cozy. I was surprised at the high quality of the sweater for the price. Great value! Looking forward to wearing this during the fall and winter months.
  • 2021-03-10
    Amy S.
    After seeing this sweat tagged in an IG story I decided to give it a try... so happy I did! I love a distressed look and the color makes it easy to wear with anything. The quality is to be expected- not super soft but not itchy at all! And doesn’t seem like it will pick easily either!